Information for Parents

The information below should provide enough details for parents and guardians of children interested in attending the Holiday Club program. If you have any questions please contact us by phone or use the online form in the Contact Us page on the website. We will get back to you as quickly as possible.

Date, Times and Cost

Dates - July 12th, 13th & 14th

Super Sunday - 10:00am July 16th

Age Groups - Kindy - Year 6


9am - 3:00pm
Doors open 8:30am
$60 per child for the full program or
$25 per child per day 
MAX $150 per family

Child Safety

We take the safety of children very seriously and to this end we can advise the following.

  1. All children attending will need to be signed in at the beginning of each day and signed out at the end of each day by a parent or guardian of the child.
  2. Our church is a nut-free facility and we ask (for the safety of children with allergies) that no food containing nuts be brought along to the event.
  3. All leaders of children are trained in Safe Ministry Training as run by the Sydney Anglican Diocese. If you would like to know more about this please click on this link
  4. If your child requires any medication or special food requirements please ensure this is clearly stated on the registration form for that child.
  5. Please ensure that the contact phone details you provide on the registration form are available to answer in the event that you need to be contacted while your child is with us.

What to Bring

Morning tea, lunch and snacks are provided. Please pack a sun hat and labelled drink bottle for your child/ren. Please also ensure the children are wearing comfortable clothing and sensible shoes for the activities they will be involved in during the day. For smooth process at registration please also have a copy of your payment receipt